IT4105 Fundamentals of User Experience and Interface Design - Feb 2023 - POR
Section: Assignments | IT4105 Fundamentals of User Experience and Interface Design - Feb 2023 - POR | WelTec Moodle | Te Pūkenga
Main course pageAssignments
This submission box is for your HTML lab work, which you started in Week 1.Due date: Friday 10th March 11:55 PM.
This submission box is for your Wix webpage project work.Due date 22nd April Extended to 29th April 2023 11:55 PMWeightage: 32 percentTotal marks: 100
Weightage 55 percent
Total marks 100
Due date: Friday 16th June 2023 11:59 PM -
Weightage: 4 percent
Total Questions: 36
Total marks: 36
Use past lecture notes to attempt the quiz.