مخطط الموضوع

  • Learning Advisors are here to offer you a wide range of educational support such as report or essay writing, literacy and numeracy, maths and other academic skills to help you in your learning journey. We can provide advice, support and friendly assistance to help make your study at WelTec successful. You can schedule a group or individual appointment with a Learning Advisor. We are based out of the Learning Commons, which are library and study spaces with resources, computers and meeting rooms available at each campus. 




    Request an appointment with a Learning Advisor

    Phone: (0800) 141 121

    Email: learningcommons@weltec.ac.nz

Getting Started

Image management: Image information is empty - Files table id: 12749951, itemid: 28623, filename: goi_brainstorm.jpg, filemime: image/jpeg, filesize: 335030 and sectionid: 28623. Please use the error information to understand the nature of why the uploaded image cannot be used.

Literacy and Numeracy

Image management: Image information is empty - Files table id: 12749953, itemid: 28625, filename: goi_literacy medium.jpg, filemime: image/jpeg, filesize: 698313 and sectionid: 28625. Please use the error information to understand the nature of why the uploaded image cannot be used.

Research and Reading

Image management: Image information is empty - Files table id: 12749955, itemid: 28626, filename: goi_tertiary_skills2.jpg, filemime: image/jpeg, filesize: 864155 and sectionid: 28626. Please use the error information to understand the nature of why the uploaded image cannot be used.

Writing and Referencing

Image management: Image information is empty - Files table id: 12749957, itemid: 28627, filename: goi_Computer_keyboard.png, filemime: image/png, filesize: 65165 and sectionid: 28627. Please use the error information to understand the nature of why the uploaded image cannot be used.

Types of Assignments

Image management: Image information is empty - Files table id: 12749959, itemid: 28628, filename: goi_presentations medium.jpg, filemime: image/jpeg, filesize: 559490 and sectionid: 28628. Please use the error information to understand the nature of why the uploaded image cannot be used.

Maths and Finance

Image management: Image information is empty - Files table id: 12749961, itemid: 28629, filename: goi_maths finance medium.jpg, filemime: image/jpeg, filesize: 670187 and sectionid: 28629. Please use the error information to understand the nature of why the uploaded image cannot be used.

Exam Preparation

Image management: Image information is empty - Files table id: 12749963, itemid: 28630, filename: goi_exam.jpg, filemime: image/jpeg, filesize: 85014 and sectionid: 28630. Please use the error information to understand the nature of why the uploaded image cannot be used.

The Learning Commons

Image management: Image information is empty - Files table id: 12749965, itemid: 28631, filename: goi_Learning Commons Staff 2015.jpg, filemime: image/jpeg, filesize: 790053 and sectionid: 28631. Please use the error information to understand the nature of why the uploaded image cannot be used.

Learning Commons Staff

Image management: Image information is empty - Files table id: 12749967, itemid: 28632, filename: goi_Learning Advisors.jpg, filemime: image/jpeg, filesize: 805421 and sectionid: 28632. Please use the error information to understand the nature of why the uploaded image cannot be used.