2 VEX Wtn Events This Week - Tonight & Saturday

2 VEX Wtn Events This Week - Tonight & Saturday

Adrian Ferguson -
Number of replies: 0

Hi All,

I am writing to confirm that we are running our usual Wellington VEX Robotics club night tonight and to remind you about the VEX Wellington Regional competition on this Saturday 7 Sept.

There is a flier attached for the competition which runs at WelTec this Saturday from 10am in C Block which is on Kensington Ave, Petone. There will be free parking available on the street, and in the WelTec carpark on Kensington Ave, just across the road from C Block.

The event is open to the public, and we encourage you to bring friends and family to see what's involved in VEX Robotics. It doesn't matter if you don't have a robot - feel free to come along and have a look anyway!

We will have two VEX fields, and provision for competing in the "Ramp It Up" and the "VEX Toss Up" games. There will also be some great VEX prizes up for grabs for "Ramp It Up" competition winners!

Check out the Kiwibots site for more info, and to register for the competition; http://www.kiwibots.co.nz/kiwiblog

Please also remember that teams are welcome to arrange to use the VEX field at WelTec for practice sessions, either during the day, or during evenings or weekends.



Adrian Ferguson
Senior Lecturer - Mechanical Engineering
School of Engineering Technology
Wellington Institute of Technology
(+64) 04 920 0466 x563
021 134 9275

You are getting this email as you are a member of the VEX Robotics Wellington Group on WelTec's Moodle system for 2013. If you should not be in this group, or if you know other people who should be in the group, feel free to let me (Adrian) know via email.