VEX Wellington Club Night Tomorrow

VEX Wellington Club Night Tomorrow

by Adrian Ferguson -
Number of replies: 0

Hi All,

This is a quick email to confirm that the VEX Toss Up Field & Game Objects did arrive and they are being assembled this evening so they should be ready for the VEX Robotics club night tomorrow.  We have heard that some teams may be coming in early tomorrow, and that's fine.

For any of you who missed the Scrimmage at WelTec on Sat 7 Sept, it was a great success!  I found it hard to count, but I' m told that there were 10 teams present including groups from Taita College, Wellington College, Wellington East Girls’ College, Hutt Valley High, Naenae, Palmerston North and Fielding.  Prizes were won by several teams including Taita College, Fielding High School and Wellington East Girls’ College.

There is some video taken at the event at;

There is also an interesting blog post in response to the event at;

If you have any queries about the VEX Wellington club night this week, you may contact me in the first instance.



Adrian Ferguson
Senior Lecturer - Mechanical Engineering
School of Engineering Technology
Wellington Institute of Technology
(+64) 04 920 0466 x563
021 134 9275

You are getting this email as you are a member of the VEX Robotics Wellington Group on WelTec's Moodle system for 2013. If you should not be in this group, or if you know other people who should be in the group, feel free to let me (Adrian) know via email.