VEX Session Tuesday Eve This Week

VEX Session Tuesday Eve This Week

Adrian Ferguson -
Number of replies: 0

 Hi All,

I am writing to pass on the following message from the HVHS VEX Robotics team who will be at WelTec on Tuesday evening this week;

HVHS Team Improvisation will be at WelTec working on, and testing their robot in preparation for the upcoming national competition in Auckland. Other schools/teams are welcome to come down to WelTec and use the facility while HVHS are there.
 When: Tuesday 4th Feb 2014
 Time: 3.30 pm for two or three hours
 Contact: Ruth Gilbert, 027 479 4316

In case anyone has forgotten, VEX build and test evenings are held in N Block at WelTec in Petone. N Block is between Kensington Ave and Cuba St Petone, access is possible from either end of the building, and there should be plenty of free parking after 3pm this week.

VEX teams are welcome to arrange to use the WelTec VEX gear during the week or at weekends. It might also be possible to organise a full scrimmage before the nationals if there is sufficient interest from teams to compete, and from volunteers to help set up and run the event. Let us know if you're keen!



Adrian Ferguson
Senior Lecturer - Mechanical Engineering
School of Engineering Technology
Wellington Institute of Technology
(+64) 04 920 0466 x563
021 134 9275

You are getting this email as you are a member of the VEX Robotics Wellington Group on WelTec's Moodle system for 2013. If you should not be in this group, or if you know other people who should be in the group, feel free to let me (Adrian) know via email.